Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Weekend (Picture Overload!!!)

What a fun Holiday weekend!!! Tasia finally came home for good on Friday... Grandma and Grandpa Nelson brought her home and stayed through Saturday. Here is all the pictures that captured all the fun we had this weekend!

Tasia in her "Princess" wanting Poppy to be the Queen and dance with her
Poppy taught her a special way to dance... On his feet!

Getting ready to go fishing

At the lake trying to fish! It was really cold and nothing was biting so we didn't get anything... but Tasia had a blast anyway!
Getting all ready with her cute princess pole!

Daddy and Tasia... She was so cute with him!
She wanted to copy everything he was doing!
Like I said... She had a BLAST!!! She was out before we even hit the paved road!

After we got home we decided to have some playtime outside. Tasia and Daddy made up a new game... who can jump off the rock the farthest! Not sure who had more fun... Tasia or Daddy!

I think it was a tie!

Getting ready to ride her bike!

Showing us just how cute she can be!

On Monday we decided it was time for Tasia to see her best friends... Brodie and Ryann. So we picked them up and we all went to the park and played our bunnies off!

Brodie was a little monkey!
Tasia pretending she likes posing for the camera!
Ryann not having to pretend! Their mom taught them well! They both take the cutest pictures!
I rest my case!
Tasia and Ryann making music!
Too cute!

After the park we were invited to go to Brodie and Ryann's house and play on their GIANT water slide! The girls had sooooo much fun!



My beautiful princess!!!!!
There was no mistaking she is having the time of her life!

Warming up

At it again!
We had such a fun time! I am so blessed to have such great friends and family in my life! And the cutest daughter to boot! I love the summer and cant wait for the weekends to come!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

So I talk and talk about my beautiful daughter Tasia, But as most of you know when I was 18 I placed a child for adoption. I think she is just as beautiful as tasia and I wanted to share with all of you just how stunning she really is! Her name is Afton and she is almost 5 years old! Here is a few pictures of her wonderful life!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

So Matt and I have been working really hard to get both of our kids rooms ready for them when they get home/here! Their grandma Nelson made them some great additions and we were able to put them up and things are really starting to come together! Yesterday Matt spent the day painting both rooms and last night we were able to get the wall stickers up! I am so excited! Tasia has really never had a full on put together room! And now all of her stuff matches! The only thing missing from her room is her rocking chair.. which will be featured in another blog because Matt has been doing a great job stripping the paint on it and refinishing the beautiful wood on it! Still little odds and ends... but for the most part their rooms are done!

I promise I did not name my boy Skyle.... I am waiting for Walmart to get in an "R" to finish the name! LOL But maybe a cute nick name??!! Hahah Ya right! My husband will veto that real quick!

Grandma Nelson made these beautiful curtains for Skyler's room! They brought the whole room together! They look so great!

The rocking chair in this room is actually Matt's baby rocking chair! I think it was really neat for both sides of parents to give us our baby rocking chairs that we can use with our kids!

Tasia's Name and the cute stickers that were on sale at Roberts when they were going outta business! We scored! Her room is so girly! I love it!

Grandma Nelson made this beautiful bed spread for Tasia! She also made matching curtains! Tasia was spoiled!

The rest of the room minus the rocking chair!

Her matching curtains!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Daddy And His Big Girl!

I was not really wanting to post these pictures because she is SOOO in love with her daddy... and it takes away from my previous post of her and I! LOL And in the post of her and I she looked soo much like me but now... she is the spittin image of her daddy! It is such a neat thing to see their relationship! It makes my heart sing to see the two of them together! Tasia is such a daddy's girl! And that makes me so happy!

Givin Daddy some kisses!

Not sure why she has her mouth open... but ok... we will go with that! LOL

More lovins!

This was a candid... I walked downstairs to see Tasia giving daddy loves and telling him that he was her favorite!

Tasias First Day Home

We had so much fun while Tasia was home... This is a little picture diary of what she did on her first day home!

My beautiful Angel! We started out the day at Park Discovery!

Then we relaxed a bit with a little play dough Kitchen!

I was actually taking a picture of her concentrating so hard on her play dough and ended up getting this gorgeous picture!

Then we did some outside playing until daddy got home!

Tasia was so funny... Our neighbors across the street were playing on their skateboards and she wanted to join in! So she started using her bike as a skateboard and then she got sick of that so she started racing them!

Playing on her scooter

We played soo hard there was not even time for a nap... as you can plainly see she is sooooo ready for bed! That under her eye is dirt that she had on her face and then she was crying because she was soo tired! Needless to say... she slept like a baby that night! But it was totally worth it! We had so much fun together!

She was having a hard time keeping her eyes open here and even worse she was having a hard time smiling! She was so cute tho... she kept saying "Mommy... are we done taking pictures? I am so tired!" So I let her be done and put my tired baby to bed!

The Nelsons