Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend!

What an Easter weekend we had!!! It was a beautiful day on Thursday. So we took our newest members of our family out to the park to get some fresh air. Then the Veaters invited us to an Easter egg hunt at there house and then dinner! We had a blast there. Tasia made out like a bandit with eggs filled with candy and MONEY!!!! O ya someone put money in some of the Easter eggs and she got quite a few of those. On Sunday Brandy and Lee invited us to their house for yet another Easter egg hunt and dinner. Again Tasia scored and came home with a ton of candy!!!

Tasia was so cute on Thursday. She kept telling me "Mom, I wanna get the balls!" AKA the Easter eggs
My little angel!!! She is such a poser!

Tasia with Mimi.

Tasia with Buster!

Her first Easter egg! She had so much fun finding them... and she did it almost all by herself!

The Easter egg hunters!!! They had so much fun!

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