Monday, April 20, 2009

A Wonderful Sunday!!!

We had such a wonderful weekend! Sunday was the day I documented. We finally were able to enjoy the sun! It was so nice outside that we couldn't stay in! So to start out the day we took the 22's and went shooting. Tasia has shot the riffle before but never the pistol. She had a blast. We also went to the park, and then we went to get ice cream. Here are all the fun pictures!

Tasia shooting the 22 pistol!
Matt taught Tasia all about the gun. She actually listened and repeated everything he taught her!

Still my little poser!!! She looks great even with a big scary gun!!!

This is so cool. My mom and I made these blocks when the park was still under construction. And Tasia loved them!!!

She didn't stay in the baby swing for long!

Daddy and Tasia getting dirty!

This is the swing she wanted!! That makes me so sad!! My baby wants a big swing!

When we went to get Ice Cream she wanted her own. We couldn't help but laugh!!!

And snap lots of pictures

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