Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Tribute to my Mama!

Wow... What an amazing woman. I wanted to take a minute and tell the world what a wonderful mom I have. I know that is what everyone says about their mothers, and I am probably Bias... But I don't care. She is the strongest person I have ever met. I strive everyday to be HALF the mom she was for me. I look up to her so much. My mother has fallen down so many times and every time she has the strength to get herself back up and become stronger than before! I adore her strength... but more than that, I adore the love she gives each of her kids and her husband. I have never in my 22 years of life felt like I was getting "jipped" outta anything. She always not only made sure we had all of the physical and material things that we needed but also the emotional support that we needed to continue the lives that we needed to lead. I have had some very difficult decisions that I needed to make in my life.... and if it weren't for her strength and support, there is no way I could get through the times I did. Thank you mom for showing the exact person I want to become. I hope to make you proud... I love you with all of my heart! You are a beautiful person inside and out!!!!

What an amazing and gorgeous woman!
My mom and dad on the happiest day of their lives!

She finally gets what she deserves!

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much and I am VERY proud of you! It makes me feel really good to know you think I did a good job raising you kids. You know...babies don't come with an owner's manual and it is a big scary responsibility. I am so happy you think I did o.k. by you! I love you so much!!!
