Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ok so I have been having a serious problem with Tasias hair lately... All I have been able to do was piggie tails and put bows on it... which has been really cute but I am so tierd of it I needed something new... She seems to know exactly how to take the pony tails out the second I put them in!!! She doesnt have alot of hair.... I take that back... Her hair is really thick it is just not long which can only go so far. So I got a wild hair yesterday and decided to see what else I could do... wow... It accually turned out so dang cute... I loved it so much I needed to blog about it!!! I know no life right!!?? This is the top

This is the back... all flipped out... I had no idea she ad enough hair to do that!

And ths is the front... what a little angel!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha that's cute!! I have the same exact problem with Addi... really thick hair but short!!! I keep crossing my fingers that it will grow!
