Monday, March 2, 2009

Tasia's first fishing trip!

We have had Quite an eventful weekend... Daddy deciede that Tasia needed her first fishing lesson on saturday... Santa brought her a fishing pole for christmas and she has been dying to use it. There is this little pond in St. George for kids to fish in for free and it was a blast... Tasia was unsure of the fish as you can tell she was a little freaked out!!! But we had a blast anyway! Tasias first fish... she freaked!!!
Tasias first fish again... I was just a fast picture taker because she doesnt look that bad in this one!

Tasia and daddy fishin with her princess pole!

Her second fish... she caught 3 in one day... she rocked!

Here is her last one... it was a tiny gold fish... she had a hard time with this one because it was so small and wiggly

We had so much fun that day!! I cant believe my baby is grown up enough to fish... we were there for a good 2 hours and she enjoyed every second.... it is getting so fun to be able to take her on these kind of outtings!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute! Addi likes to poke the fish... she thinks it's cool! We have to keep her away from the cooler with the fish in it cause she gets in it too much!
