Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mommy's Big Girl!!!!

It is official... My little girl is on the road to being potty trained... I have a really good friend who has a little boy 2 weeks older than Tasia, so whenever I see a blog about all of the great things that he does it inspires me to try with Tasia! Thanks Rachel!!! Your really my hero!!! So last week I saw a post on Rachel's blog that her little boy is now potty trained! I had to start trying..... AGAIN!!! So last Thursday we threw away all of her diapers and put on panties.... then we decided to go camping on Friday.... BAD idea.... she was having way too much fun and forgot about telling mommy when she needed to go. So we diapered her up and waited until we got back home. She has been so good since. She even wears panties for nap and bed! I am so proud of her! Again... Thanks Rachel!!!!

She needed to show everyone her cute panties! And I promise I feed her! She is sucking her belly in for some reason! Little nerd!!!
This is her Potty chart! She has done so well with it and every time she goes she gets to pick out her own sticker to put on the chart... She cant wait every time... she sometimes just sits on the potty to see if she can go so she can get a sticker!

My little angel is all grown up!!! I am a little sad but so proud of her!

Just like her mommy!!!!

I just cant believe that at 2 1/2 she is already sleeping through the night with no accidents!!! I couldn't be happier!!!

1 comment:

  1. Go Tasia!! She is doing awesome. Doesn't it feel good. I am sure we have a lot of future accidents, but it sure does feel good. If you still want that 3-day potty training book emailed to you, let me know. It sounds like she does not really need it though. :)
