Friday, April 23, 2010

Just the Girls

As most of you know I am currently on bed rest due to this very complicated pregnancy I am in the middle of... So my wonderful family has stepped in to help me with Tasia. Being that my closest family member lives 3 hours away... I don't get to see my baby very often! So when she does get a chance to come down for a visit I am OVERJOYED!!!! I was able to have her Last week and weekend. We went up to Fillmore... (Which is the halfway point between my moms house and mine.) On Wednesday and I had her all day Thursday All day Friday and through the weekend! What a treat! She has been such an angel through this! She doesn't complain and she just packs up her stuff and goes where she needs to go! When she got here I could see sooo many changes in her that I didn't remember before she left! I guess kids do that! She started developing freckles... soo cute.. And in my opinion she is really starting to look a lot like me! So we had a girls day on Thursday and took lots of goofy pictures of just the two of us! Here they are:

We are winking... she is sooo in to that right now! She think it is so cool that she knows how to wink!
She says "Mom now look at my like you just LOVE me!!!" Too dang cute!

She was givin mommy LOVINS!!! I cant get enough of those! we always sing this little tune and I start singing... "I need some Tasia Love" And she comes back with " I want some Mommy kisses" I LOVE this song! So cute when she sings it!

Getting her "Mommy Kisses"

Getting me some Tasia Kisses!

This is the picture I think I can see a lot of me in her... Don't get me wrong... she is still the SPITTIN image of her dad... but I am really glad I can see some of me in her too!

1 comment:

  1. SOOOOOOO Cute!!! One day I will have my little girl to do girly things, not that this is girly, but mom and daughter pictures are precious.
