Friday, April 23, 2010

Tasias First Day Home

We had so much fun while Tasia was home... This is a little picture diary of what she did on her first day home!

My beautiful Angel! We started out the day at Park Discovery!

Then we relaxed a bit with a little play dough Kitchen!

I was actually taking a picture of her concentrating so hard on her play dough and ended up getting this gorgeous picture!

Then we did some outside playing until daddy got home!

Tasia was so funny... Our neighbors across the street were playing on their skateboards and she wanted to join in! So she started using her bike as a skateboard and then she got sick of that so she started racing them!

Playing on her scooter

We played soo hard there was not even time for a nap... as you can plainly see she is sooooo ready for bed! That under her eye is dirt that she had on her face and then she was crying because she was soo tired! Needless to say... she slept like a baby that night! But it was totally worth it! We had so much fun together!

She was having a hard time keeping her eyes open here and even worse she was having a hard time smiling! She was so cute tho... she kept saying "Mommy... are we done taking pictures? I am so tired!" So I let her be done and put my tired baby to bed!

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